Bulk Mail

See also:

  • Use Form 3602-NZ
  • The Issaquah PTSA Council bulk mail permit number is 101

General information and Guidelines

  1. Identify the bulk mail permit to be used for the mailing.
    1. The school district has a bulk mail permit used to mail school newsletters and other school mailings
    2. Often PTA volunteers assist with the production of these mailings but the newsletters belong to the school therefore the school district permit is used
    3. PTA Newsletters, PTA Student Directories, postcards and flyers belong to the PTA and use the Issaquah PTSA Council permit
  2. The Issaquah PTSA Council bulk mail permit number is 101.
  3. PTSA mailings must follow PTSA guidelines i.e. if mailing states a position on an issue, the issue must be endorsed by the local unit general membership.
  4. To use bulk mail, you must have a minimum of 200 pieces.
  5. Mail “letter” pieces must meet the minimum guideline of 3 ½” high by 5” long and not exceed 6 1/8” high by 11 ½” long or ¼” thickness.
  6. If the mailing is more than 3.3 ounces or is more than ¼” thick, it becomes a “flat” and needs to be in a sealed 8 ½”x11” envelope.
  7. Undeliverable mail is not returned to you with bulk mail.
  8. Mailing address and postal information must follow specific guidelines. (see below)
  9. Mailings must be sorted according to 3-digit zip code “980.”
    1. Trays are available from the Issaquah Post Office, call Mr. Jared Clegg (425-392-5665) with a minimum of one day’s notice he will set trays aside for you.
    2. All mail to “980” zip code can be together in trays.  It is not necessary to separate by “98027”, “98029,” etc. but if there are “oddball” zip codes other than “980” these need to be banded separately.
    3. Larger mailings, such as directories, use larger trays. (not mailing bags as in prior years)
  10. Obtain mailing trays and zip code labels directly from the Issaquah Post Office bulk mail window. (Open Monday through Friday 9-12 and 1-3)
  11. Local PTA units can order mailing labels for their membership through Washington State PTA by simply calling the state PTA office. The cost is $3 per 100 labels. The labels are printed by the State PTA and mailed to the local unit.

Preparing the Mailing

ALL bulk mail has to be prepared in the following manner to be bar-coded and run through postal machines and recorded with the proper permit usage

  1. The fold of your mailing must be at the bottom. Fold an 8 1/2″x11″ sheet in half, the fold will be at the bottom. The top will be “open.”
  2. Secure the open top with either 2 wafer tabs or 2 pieces of scotch tape 1″ in from each side. This prevents it from tearing when it goes through the machine. One seal in the center is not enough.
  3. Do not use a staple to secure the mailing. (New information)
  4. Place the name label in the center of the mailing – fold is now on the bottom, wafer tabs are on the top.
  5. Directories, or full sized mailings can be bound with either spiral, or taped binding.
  6. Do not use any kind of glossy paper as the barcode they spray on will not adhere to glossy paper.
  7. The indicia (which states non-profit status and the permit number) must be in a box in the right hand corner where the “stamp” would go.
In the upper right corner Non-Profit Organization
U. S. Postage PAID
Issaquah, WA 98027
Permit No. 101
  1. The return address is printed in the left hand corner. When using the Council permit the Council name and address is the return address.
In the upper left corner Local Unit PTA Name & Number (you may want to identify the mailing), for example:
Issaquah High PTSA 2.6.45 – Student Directories
Issaquah PTSA Council
565 NW Holly Street
Issaquah, WA 98027

Complete Postal Service Form 3602-NZ (updated January, 2012)

  1. This form is available on the USPS Postal Explorer website – http://pe.usps.com/businessmail101/getstarted/bulkmail.htm
  2. Mailer Information:

Permit Holder is the Council :
Issaquah PTSA Council, 565 NW Holly Street, Issaquah, WA 98027
Mailing Agent is the local PTSA unit, for example:
Issaquah High PTSA 2.6.45 – Directories, PO Box 2541, Issaquah, WA 98027

  1. Turn in the completed form, with the mail sorted in trays by zip code, to the bulk mail window at the Issaquah Post Office. The bulk mail window is open Monday through Friday 9-12 and 1-3.


General Information – Non-Profit Standard Bulk Mailings

Because the Issaquah PTSA Council meets the qualifications and eligibility rules from the U.S. Postal Service, the PTSA Council holds a non-profit bulk mail permit as a non-profit educational organization. This account has been set up at the Issaquah Post Office on Gilman Blvd.  This means that PTA/PTSA mailings can be sent at a reduced rate of postage if the mailings meet postal specifications.  As of May, 2007, the Post Office has new rates and procedures in effect.   The non-profit mailings are now classified as “machinable.” 


  • Follow Basic Guidelines to PTA Non-Profit Standard Bulk Mailings.
  • Take a completed U.S. Postal Form 3602-NZ to accompany your mailing.  The permit holder is the PTSA Council and its address.  One of the PTSA Council Officers can sign the form and local units can make copies for future use.
  • Have an officer who can sign checks, take a “blank” PTSA/PTA check made out to “U.S. Postmaster” (and signed by one officer) to the Post Office. The second signature will be written on the check at the Post Office as well as the amount of the mailing cost.  (2 signatures should always be on a PTSA/PTA check).


  • Do not lend the use of the Issaquah PTSA Council Non-Profit Permit number to any other person, school, or organization.  Only Issaquah PTA/PTSAs may use the Non-Profit Permit #101 to send their mailings.
  • Do not advertise for travel, insurance or credit cards under any circumstances.
  • Do not include commercial inserts.


  • If the bulk mailing is a combined PTSA/school newsletter: Per Postal Regulations, both organizations must hold a Non Profit Bulk Mailing Permit from the local Post Office to qualify for non-profit bulk mailing rates.
  • The Issaquah School District also has a bulk mailing permit with the Issaquah Post Office that the schools may use for their own non-profit bulk mailings.  Since the District and the PTSA Council both have a Non-Profit permit, it is OK to send PTA/PTSA materials & blank membership envelopes within the school newsletters. The decision needs to be made as to which permit to use and who will pay for the  newsletter.  It is preferred that if the decision is made to use the District’s Non Profit Stamp; the PTSA/PTA would then reimburse the school for their portion of the cost.


  • Newsletters that advertise PTSA and school fundraising events held at a commercial facility (like an auction at a local country club) may include the name and address of the facility. Supporters of the school must perform the majority of the work being done without compensation (even if employees of the country club will be serving food).


Bulk Mailing classes are held every Tuesday & Thursday at the Federal Center South Building, 4735 E. Marginal Way, Seattle.  Tuesday, 9:30-11:30 am; Thursdays, 12:30-2:30 pm.  Classes are free.  All materials are provided.  Reservations must be made 3-5 days in advance of class.  Call 206-652-2100 to register for a class.