Key Activists!
I hope each and every one of you is trying to come to our January 12th Training. And, we encourage you to spread the word. Attached is a flyer for the training that you can distribute at your meetings, or post in central places.
Bring a friend! At $25 the cost can’t be beat!
We have one session that is just for you – from 8-9 we will do our invite only conversation with Frank about the legislative session. It’s early, but its worth it.
We will have 3 workshops that cover:
- Teachers and leaders from the Anacortes school district coming and talking about TPEP implementation (they are leading the state in this work)
- Ross Hunter talking about the Ed Funding task force and what steps may or may not happen this legislative session
- A session on parents and community influencing local bargaining
- Linda Hanson will talk about McCleary and what it really means now
- Childrens Alliance talking about why All Day K matters
- Maggie and the LEV team talking about the Discipline issue
- Robin Lake talking about successful implementation of Charters in Washington State
And we will have 4 – 10 minute “science fair” presentations – posters will be on the wall and you will walk to the presentation that interests you, we will have organizaitons like:
- Teachers United,
- Cleveland Seattle Stem school
- I Grad from Kent (a storefront program for recruiting and customizing programs for drop outs in Kent to graduate)
- Federal Way Acceleration Policy
- ELL certification in Kent
- Flipping the classroom (a teacher who is doing it)
And others who have not confirmed yet
Lastly, we will have a wine reception from 3-4 where we have asked people to have a resource table and a person manning the table. The goal is to build relationships, meet new people. We have asked quite a few groups, and expect quite a large number, so far we have confirmed:
- PTA, Stand for Children, Parents Union
- Roadmap Project
- College Success Foundation
- Black Education Strategy Roundtable
- Our Schools Coalition
- Excellent Schools Now Coalition
- Plus, many of the science project participants will also participate in the wine reception!
To sign up: Go to and look for the button on the right of the screen!
I hope all of you can come!
Kelly Munn | State Field Director
Office: 206.728.6448
Mobile: 425.773.7878
Visit us at
League of Education Voters
Working to improve public education in Washington State
from cradle to career with ample, equitable, and stable funding