Enrichment Guide

Issaquah School PTA/PTSA Enrichment Program Running Checklists

It’s never easy for a PTA/PTSA to run a before/after school Enrichment Program. If your PTA/PTSA decides to run the enrichment program, please be sure to follow the checklists below. (Please note that the enrichment programs in this document ONLY refer to before or after school enrichment programs)
Be sure to consult with the school principal before you decide to run this enrichment program to make sure this is not something that the school runs.
Be sure to read the WA State PTA “Running an Enrichment Program” document before you start. Please DO NOT use their Appendix sample forms: we have adapted forms that align with ISD.
Be sure to use the sample forms that the council provides because they have been updated to meet Issaquah School District requirements. Update the forms to reflect your PTA usage. We recommend adding your PTA logo in all your forms and contracts.
Be sure that your insurance does not expire. If your PTA has general insurance, it should cover the PTA to run the enrichment program as long as the person who chairs the program, the individual non-business instructor and the chaperone for each session are PTA members. However, please keep in mind that the basic insurance coverage is very limited. If you want to know exactly what your insurance covers, or you want to add more coverage, please contact the insurance company directly to learn more.
Be sure that your PTA has a budget line for running the before/after school enrichment program. If not, please update your budget and get it voted on in the General Membership meeting before you start.
Be sure that your PTA has set a deadline for accepting the different enrichment programs requests and set a number of how many enrichment programs your PTA wants to run this year. Make a plan to set up a procedure to pick the enrichment programs if more requests than the initial set number. Discuss each request in the PTA board meeting to make a decision. Make sure, the decision is based on your PTA’s mission and goal.
Be sure that you have the scholarship in your budget to support some students in need if this enrichment program will charge each student a certain amount to participate. All the money the PTA collects and spends on this program needs to be recorded into the budget.
Be sure that this enrichment program is solely funded and run by PTA/PTSA. For the elementary school PTA/PTSA, know that the PTA is not allowed to fund a school-run club or kid-run club to pay the teachers. Schools can’t ask PTA to pay or fund for extra club sessions.
We recommend avoiding using “club” and “class” for your enrichment program, suggested by the district, to reduce the confusion with the school clubs or school classes. Please use the PTA Enrichment Program instead.
Be sure that each enrichment program needs to have a chair who must be a current PTA member, and this chair needs to provide the detailed enrichment program “Plan of Action” and “Budget Worksheet” on file to be able to follow and track later on. The chair will be in charge of this enrichment program, the main contact person is responsible to report the progress and status to the PTA board.
Be sure to have AT LEAST ONE PTA adult to be the chaperone in EACH session from beginning to end. This chaperone must be a current PTA member, and the district approved volunteer. This is the PTA insurance requirement. Please refer to the “Chaperone Policy and Agreement” and “Registration and Chaperone Form”.
Be sure the “Facilities Use Agreement” form needs to be submitted to the district to get approved so the PTA can get the space to run the program. This needs to be done for each enrichment program that the PTA wants to run.
Be sure that each participant’s parents must fill in an Emergency Form (Please refer to the “Sample Emergency Form”). The student can’t participate in this program until this form is completed and submitted. The chair needs to keep all the emergency forms in a binder or a place where the chaperone in each session can get the information in case there’s an emergency.
Be sure each student must sign the Attendance sheet when he/she arrives every session. The chaperone needs to collect each attendance sheet and return to the chair to keep in the record. Please refer to the “Sample Attendance Sheet”.

If PTA wants to hire a schoolteacher/staff to be the program instructor, please be sure:

  • This is the PTA ONLY funded before/after the enrichment program, nothing related to school or kids’ clubs. It’s not running during school hours.
  • The teacher/staff is available on all the days and time of the program sessions
  • The PTA can ONLY pay teacher/staff outside school hours. Please be sure to have a contract with this teacher/staff (Please refer to the “Sample Teacher Contract”) and if payment for the fiscal year is more than $600, a W-9 form is also required. Please keep the contract and W-9 form (if applicable) in the PTA legal documents.
  • The suggested rate of pay for this school year to the teacher is no more than $42/hour to align with the district in-service rate.
  • Please keep in mind that when PTA pays the teacher/staff to be the enrichment program instructor, this teacher/staff is acting in their individual capacity in the supervisor roles and not as a teacher for Issaquah School District and not as a representative of the district. The payment will need to go to them from the PTA and not through the school payroll in any manner, and the teacher cannot make any promises or representations about what the program might get or access because of their role as a teacher. PTA still needs to go through the facility request process by submitting the “Facilities Use Agreement” form. The role of teacher/staff for the district and the advisor/instructor of a PTA enrichment program need to be clearly separate.
  • The PTA is still responsible for the facility request. Cannot use the teacher’s classroom directly without facility approval from the district.

If PTA wants to hire an outside independent contractor, please be sure:

  • Have a contract with this independent contractor, please refer to the “Sample Independent Contractor Contract
  • If the payment to the independent contractor is more than $600 for the program, please ask the independent contractor to fill in the W-9 form.
  • If the independent contractor has its own business insurance, please ask for the insurance for your PTA records. Otherwise, if this individual person doesn’t have business insurance, he/she needs to be a PTA member to be covered by PTA insurance.
  • Please keep the contract, the W-9 form (if applicable) and the business insurance (if applicable) in the PTA legal documents.

(**Please refer to “Outside Contacts and W9 forms” for in-school hours instructions.)

If PTA wants to have a parent volunteer as the program instructor, please be sure:

  • This volunteer is a current PTA member.
  • This parent volunteer needs to be the current school year’s ISD approved volunteer.
  • Have a contract with this parent volunteer, please refer to “Sample Enrichment Class Parent Volunteer Contract
  • Please keep the contract in the PTA legal documents.

PTA Enrichment Resources:

Enrichment Guide and Resources approved by Council Board 10/24