Issaquah PTSA Council Elected Executive Board for 2018-2019

Congratulations to our newly elected Executive Board for 2018-2019:

President:  Leslie Kahler
Secretary:  Sara Carmichael
Treasurer:  Laila Collins
VP Elementary North:  Ina Ghangurde
VP Elementary Central:  Wendy Shah
VP Elementary South:  Korista Smith-Barney
VP Middle Schools:  Open
VP High Schools:  Dawn Peschek


We are still seeking a VP of Middle Schools.

2018-2019 Issaquah PTSA Council Executive Board Slate

2018-2019 Issaquah PTSA Council Nominating Committee Report

The 2017 – 2018 Issaquah PTSA Nominating Committee places the following names in nomination:

For office of President: Leslie Kahler

For office of Secretary: Sara Carmichael

For office of Treasurer: Laila Collins

For office of VP Elementary North: Ina Ghangurde

For office of VP Elementary Central: Wendy Shah

For office of VP Elementary South: Korista Smith-Barney

For office of VP Middle Schools: Open

For office of VP High Schools: Dawn Peschek

The nominating committee has confirmed that all nominees have been a member of a PTA for at least 30 days prior to the election, and meet other requirements as state in the Washington State PTA Uniform Bylaws.

Respectfully Submitted by:

Laila Collins

Wendy Shah

Valerie Yanni

Laurelle Graves

Lunch For The Break – Midwinter Break Edition

Lunch For The Break

Help families in the Issaquah School District during Midwinter Break when free/reduced lunches aren’t available. YOU can help make the vacation fun for kids and lower stress for parents!

We have three options for donating to Lunch for the Break, including one very exciting new option:

  1. Download the shopping list at, shop for the food, pack your boxes and deliver to your chosen drop off location. Register as a donor for this option here. This is a great option for families and groups to get involved for the Lunch for the Break!
  2. Donate money to help us purchase produce, bread and other items for Lunch for the Break.
  3. **New!!** We have a new partnership with Supply All Kids – purchase a food box online and it will be packed and delivered for you! This is a great option if you don’t have time to shop, pack and deliver a box, but want to give something tangible. Click here to donate via the Supply All Kids special Lunch for the Break site.

450 boxes are needed by February 14! Which donation option will YOU choose? 

Contact Rebecca with questions: or 425-392-4123 x11.

ISD Levy Info

Hello to my fellow PTSA Council Members!

I wanted to give you a follow up on what is going on with the ISD Levy and VIS since we aren’t meeting this month.

After the Levy Committee completed their review and recommendation to the Superintendent back in the Spring 2017, the Washington State Legislature passed HB 2242 – funding basic education. This resulted in some funding uncertainty, but ultimately a positive outlook for what our state and local dollars can provide our students and Issaquah School District committee.

The Issaquah School District and School Board has put together a final ballot measure to go before the voters on Feb. 13th, 2018:

  • Educational Programs & Operations (EP&O) Renewal Levy (2 years)
  • Technology and Critical Repairs Capital Renewal Levy (4 years)
  • School Bus Renewal Levy (1 year)

The primary changes from what the committee reviewed last spring, is to reduce the EP&O Levy renewal from 4 years at full $1.50/$1,000 authority to 2 years at $1.13/$1,000 (in 2019) and $1.33/$1,000 (in 2020). At which time ISD will reassess what levy dollars will be needed to continue funding programs and will run another replacement EP&O levy.

Click here to see what these 3 renewal levies fund and why it is so important for all 3 levies to be approved:

The Issaquah PTSA Council has traditionally always been a strong supporter of our ISD bonds and levies, since we see each day how bonds and levies directly benefit all of our schools, teachers and students. As Issaquah PTSA Council Board members, VIS would appreciate if you would:

  • Personally endorse the (3) replacement levies here on the VIS website  (Endorse Here)
  • Make a motion to endorse the (3) renewal levies as a PTSA Council Board at our next meeting
  • Help share this information and encourage others to Vote Yes!
  • Request a speaker to present Levy information to a community group to which you belong
  • Donate to the “Yes for Issaquah Schools Feb 2018” campaign here:
  • “Like” us on VIS Facebook
  • Volunteer at a Local Honk & Wave event – Sign Up Here:

You can endorse, donate, like, volunteer, or request info at

SAVE THE DATE!  You’re invited to a Community Information Night Event on Thursday, January 11, 2018 at 7:00-8:30pm at the Issaquah Swedish Hospital Conference Rooms. Please invite and share this with anyone who may have questions about the Levy and would like to learn more information about these 3 ballot measures.  The Superintendent, School Board members and VIS will be on hand to answer questions all evening!

**One more thing to note, VIS has prepared a district approved “PDC Guidelines for PTAs” which we have sent out to all of our PTA Presidents to help with questions of what you can email out, have on websites, etc. It is linked on the Council website under VIS and also on the VIS website here:

If you or others you know have questions about any of the replacement levy measures, please contact us at VIS  or ISD at

Visit the ISD website with levy information and tax impact facts:

Thank you for your support!

Dawn Peschek
Issaquah PTSA Council VIS Chair
Volunteers for Issaquah Schools (VIS) Campaign Co-Chair

Volunteer Opportunity with the Issaquah Food and Clothing Bank

The Issaquah Food and Clothing Bank will be introducing an additional client service time starting on Wednesday, December 13th, 2017 to help meet the growing needs in our community. IFCB currently offers Monday Night Food and Clothing Bank hours from 5 – 7 pm and we will be introducing additional Wednesday night shopping hours as well.

Client surveys indicate that families would like us to expand our service hours and Wednesday nights appear to be the perfect time to do that. We’re looking for volunteers to work Wednesday nights (4:30 pm to 7:15 pm.) in both the food and clothing bank, and we’re putting this ask out to our entire team. We need your help to make this happen.

If you’re interested in volunteering on Wednesday nights, please sign up online using the volunteer dashboard. HERE is the link to log in and sign-up. Please sign-up today. We’re hoping to fill the first three Wednesday shifts before we post more.

Questions can be directed to:

Megan Edwin
Volunteer Coordinator
Issaquah Food & Clothing Bank
425-392-4123, ext. 10

Turkey & Grocery Giveaway – November 18th


November 18, 2017 | Begins at 9 am

(1,500 turkeys between Issaquah & West Seattle. While supplies last.)  Eastridge Church at 24205 SE Issaquah Fall City Rd in Issaquah or 4500 39th Avenue SW in Seattle

No proof of need required. While supplies last.

  • Free turkey and bag of groceries
  • Free adult and children’s coats
  • Free haircuts (Issaquah only)
  • Free Bibles



We need YOU to make this a success!

Seeking hair stylists:

Are you a hair stylist and want to donate your time to this event? We’d be delighted to hear from you. Email us for more info and to get involved.

Event day:

The turkey giveaway takes lots of volunteers to happen. We would love for you to join the event day volunteer team!

Volunteer at the Issaquah Giveaway

Volunteer at the West Seattle Giveaway

Donate coats and gloves:

Our goal is to give away 1,000 coats and gloves at the Issaquah campus. Between October 23 and November 17 drop off new or gently used men’s, women’s and children’s coats at the Issaquah campus.