2017-2018 Council Board of Directors Final Election Results

The Council Election took place at the General Membership Meeting on April 20, 2017.
A second election was held at the General Membership Meeting on May 18, 2017 for the still vacant VP Elementary Central position.

President: Becky Gordon and Leslie Kahler

VP High Schools: Ina Ghangurde

VP Middle Schools: Laila Collins

VP Elementary North: Care Maree Harper

VP Elementary Central: Wendy Shah

VP Elementary South: Korista Smith-Barney

Treasurer: Erin Eaton

Secretary: Erin Thacker


May 2017 Agenda Notes

May Agenda
April Draft Minutes
April Treasurer Report
Draft Budget 2017-2018



Issaquah PTSA Council Transition Luncheon
Thursday, May 18th at Pickering Barn
9:30 – General Meeting (Current & Incoming Presidents)
11:30 – Luncheon (PTSA Council, Principals & District Guests)
We look forward to seeing you all at the Issaquah PTSA Council Transition Luncheon, celebrating another successful school year! 
Current* & Incoming Presidents arrive at 9:30 for the General Meeting. Principals & Issaquah District Guests join us for the 11:30 Luncheon.
*Current Presidents, please bring a *store-bought* salad to serve 10+ guests. (Pickering Barn policy requires that all food served be prepared in a commercial kitchen, refrigeration is available.) 






5th Leg. District
Sen. Mark Mullet – Mark.Mullet@leg.wa.gov
Rep. Paul Graves – PaulGraves@leg.wa.gov
Rep. Jay Rodne – JayRodne@leg.wa.gov
41st Leg. District
Sen. Lisa Wellman – Lisa.Wellman@leg.wa.gov
Rep. Judy Clibborn – JudyClibborn@leg.wa.gov
Rep. Tana Senn – Tana.Senn@leg.wa.gov
Thank you again for your dedication! 😊




Best Practices Checklist

Council Transition Checklist

FACE/Family And Community Engagement



     JUNE 1, ISSAQUAH HOLIDAY INN, 7:00 TO 9:00 A.M.
     JUNE 6, SAMMAMISH X3 TEEN CENTER, 7:00 TO 9:00 A.M.






Washington State PTA Membership Leadership Guide



Outreach Notes – This page is kept current as needs or programs change.

Tools 4 School Class Packs link is now available through July 15th. Flyer. Donate.

FREE SAT practice exam at the Issaquah Library on May 20th. FLYER.

PARENTWISER (formerly Parent Education)

1. Thank you to those able to help during Jessica Lahey’s talks on April 25th!  Thanks to the many Presidents who stepped in, we ended up with sufficient volunteers making both day and evening events flow easily.   Thank you!!!
2. New Topics – Based on results from our March district-wide survey, we are currently planning speakers for next year.  The topics that emerged are:
1) Managing screen time
2) Managing academic/friendship stress
3) Parenting tweens & teens (grades 6-12)
4) Managing behavior challenges (in grades K-8)
5) Sibling Rivalry
Targeting these areas, we are considering a similar model to current year with 1 film documentary/panel discussion, and 3 additional speakers, including 1 national keynote speaker. Speakers and dates will be available in September.
3. Quarterly ParentWiser Committee Meeting will be via email this spring; please send any parent ed suggestions/comments for continual improvement to parentwiser@issaquahptsa.org.  Please keep a parent ed rep on your PTA/PTSA roster as the local voice for parent ed at your school, and encourage them to participate in ParentWiser events as volunteers and idea generators.  They can also contact us for local speaker suggestions to draw attendance to your General Membership Meetings.
4. Back-to-School PTSA Check-In.  When creating your online membership/registration for back-to-school check-in, please add the following question/field, and then send your list of emails accumulated to parentwiser@issaquahptsa.org :
“Add me to the monthly ParentWiser email distribution to learn about district-wide parent ed events                  (enter email here)               “
5.  ENEWS announcement for May/June.  (This was also sent directly to all parent ed reps and communication chairs.)
(For ENEWS):
ParentWiser invites you to…
1.  Join us May 22 at 7pm for a Debrief Discussion on “The Gift of Failure” by Jessica Lahey to discuss key takeaways and implementing a cultural change in raising independent, resilient kids.
2.  Bookmark ParentWiser.org for the new speaker series coming 2017-18!
3.  Access online Parent Ed conferences over the summer.
…because parenting continues even when school ends.
Thank you !
Heidi Fuhs & Debbie Steinberg Kuntz


ParentWiser Logo.









The purpose of the ISD Levy Development Committee is to advise the Superintendent as he prepares a recommendation for the school board to approve levy issues for the 2018 ballot. The Committee is made up of 44 representatives from each of our Schools, Principals, Senior/Retired Community, PTSA Council, Certificated Staff Rep, Classified Staff Rep, and Community Members at Large. There are 3 proposed levies – Transportation, Capital Levy (Technology & Critical Repairs) and the M&O (Maintenance and Operations Levy).

Click here for Transportation Levy and May 3rd meeting details.
Click here to read the Capital Levy Priority 1 and Priority 2 proposals and May 17th meeting details.

The next meeting of the committee is May 31st.


There is still time to do a member survey.


Next month’s training following the GMM will be”Managing Your Nonprofit PTA: The Financial Responsibilities of Board Members” and is applicable to all board members counting for your 2017-2018 training requirement. 

Using PBSES Strategies at Home

In May 2017, parents are invited to learn more about PBSES (Positive Behavior and Social Emotional Support) and how you can use PBSES strategies at home.  During this workshop, we will discuss a progressive discipline approach to conflicts at home. This workshop will focus on child brain development, creating clear and consistent limits, and strategies that you can use with your child or children.

There are three opportunities to attend this workshop:

  • May 17, 2017 – Sunny Hills Elementary School
  • May 18, 2017 – Issaquah Middle School
  • May 22nd  – Maywood Middle School 

The Student Support Coaches for the elementary and middle schools will host the sessions and they will start at 6:30 and conclude at 8pm.

Election of 2017-2018 Officers

The Council Election took place at the General Membership Meeting on April 20, 2017. Please note that we are still looking for a VP of Elementary Central. 

President: Becky Gordon and Leslie Kahler

VP High Schools: Ina Ghangurde

VP Middle Schools: Laila Collins

VP Elementary North: Care Maree Harper

VP Elementary Central: <<Vacant>>

VP Elementary South: Korista Smith-Barney

Treasurer: Erin Eaton

Secretary: Erin Thacker


April 2017 – Agenda Notes

April Agenda

March Draft Minutes
March Treasurer Report

Election Slate – Revised
May Luncheon Invitation


LOCATION REMINDER – This month we are in the Eagle Room at the Issaquah Police Station on Sunset.

Outreach Donation Ask for Council meeting:  Small monetary donation (see Outreach Notes below for more information).


Budget Reminder: This is the time to get your 2017-2018 budget committee together and work on your budget for next year. Survey your program chairs and officers to see if they need/want adjustments to their budgets. Council Dues and fees should likely stay the same.  Your interim budget must be approved by your General Membership before the end of the school year. Let Laila know if you need any help.




5th Leg. District
Sen. Mark Mullet – Mark.Mullet@leg.wa.gov
Rep. Paul Graves – PaulGraves@leg.wa.gov
Rep. Jay Rodne – JayRodne@leg.wa.gov
41st Leg. District
Sen. Lisa Wellman – Lisa.Wellman@leg.wa.gov
Rep. Judy Clibborn – JudyClibborn@leg.wa.gov
Rep. Tana Senn – Tana.Senn@leg.wa.gov
Thank you again for your dedication! 😊


Kiln upkeep is NOT an action item, just an FYI.
Looking for a Conference Manager for next fall.


Best Practices Checklist

Council Transition Checklist

FACE/Family And Community Engagement



State of Mind Conferences. Flyers: JPG | PDF

 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.





Washington State PTA Membership Leadership Guide



Outreach Notes – This page is kept current as needs or programs change.

This month’s Outreach Ask for Council meeting:    

Please consider a small monetary donation to support two schools who do not have PTAs/PTSAs to support their Staff Appreciation events.  Each year the Council provides a Staff Appreciation event for Echo Glen (the school at Youth Detention Facility in Snoqualmie) and the Academy for Community Transition (ISD program for 18-21 year-olds with qualifying disabilities).  It is incredibly difficult to collect food donations for this purpose across the district.  Funds collected will be used to supplement the small budget provided for these events.  Thank you!


FREE SAT practice exam at the Issaquah Library on May 20th. FLYER.

PARENTWISER (formerly Parent Education)

Presidents – the following communications for ParentWiser went out to your Parent Ed Reps and Communication Chairs on April 6th.

Please ensure these get updated in your school ENews, we are still seeing most schools running the March info, which is outdated.  Note the location change to the Debrief book Discussion from IMS Library to Swedish Issaquah’s Café 1910. Revised flyers are also attached.

2)      Still seeking volunteers to help at both 10am and 7pm events on April 25thSignup here!


For Enews:

ParentWiser asks…

What do YOU do when your child makes mistakes or fails?

How you answer this question can change your relationship with your child and your child’s motivation and resilience. Join us for an exciting series of events this April as we host the NY Times bestselling author Jessica Lahey and her book: The Gift Of Failure. What to do next:


1. Read the Book: Get your copy of The Gift of Failure ASAP so you can read it over spring break. Issaquah Barnes & Noble has copies waiting for you.


2. Don’t miss Jessica Lahey’s talk: REGISTER to join us at 10am or 7pm on April 25th to hear Ms. Lahey’s potentially life-changing message. You will not want to miss it! (ALMOST SOLD OUT .Walk-ins welcome if space available.)


3. Debrief Discussion: Join us on May 22nd  at 7pm in the IMS Library Swedish Issaquah Café 1910 to debrief your key takeaways from the book and/or her talk. See you then!


ParentWiser’s district-wide parent ed in an ongoing success this year!  Thank you for your continued support!

  1. For 2017-18, please continue your budget for at least $250 Council fees for ParentWiser/Parent Ed (same as current year).
  2. Keep a Parent Ed Rep on your committee reports.  The Parent Ed Rep is your liaison between your specific school community and ParentWiser.  We rely on the input and volunteer help of parent ed reps at each school to run our speaker program.

Here is our recommended job description for Parent Ed Rep at your local PTSA:

  • Advertize all parent ed offerings forwarded to you by Parentwiser (Issaquah PTSA Council) at your school via flyers, school ENews, PTSA news, and any social media accounts linked to your school and/or PTSA), approx monthly
  • Use FEDEX PTSA discount code for printed materials:  052 088 2103
  • Attend quarterly ParentWiser committee meetings to provide input/planning for future speakers/events.
  • Act as liaison between your local school community and ParentWiser at the district level
  • Volunteer to assist at least 1 ParentWiser event per year, SignupGenius for pre/post-event volunteer needs go out 1-2 weeks prior to each event.
  • Organize/host any additional local speaker(s) at your school community, if desired by your PTSA.
  1. If open to other parents in the district, please forward details at least 3 weeks prior to parentwiser@issaquahptsa.org
  2. For suggestions for local speakers/topics, contact parentwiser@issaquahptsa.org
  3. Turn-in receipts/expenses to your local PTSA unit for reimbursement
  • Encourage your school community to attend parent ed events or watch online at http://ParentWiser.org
  • ParentWiser parent education is FREE for Issaquah School District PTSA members only, non-members pay $. Encourage your PTSA membership with this tangible benefit!
  1. Below are the communications for March events.  This was sent to presidents, parent ed reps, and communications chairs on March 6th.  Please ensure they are advertized at your school.


For ENews:

ParentWiser presents…


April 25th The Gift of Failure: Fostering Intrinsic Motivation and Resilience in Kids by national keynote and author, Jessica Lahey, motivational talk and book signing at 10am or 7pm!  In today’s culture, do we coddle our kids enough?  Too much?  Jessica Lahey summarizes the current research on autonomy-supportive parenting and teaching, competence, rewards, praise, and failure, and gives us advice on how to allow students to succeed over the long term.  Join our community book read of Gift of Failure to prepare for a cultural change!  For parents of K-12. FLYER.

New – WATCH ONLINE!  Did you miss Amy Lang’s talk on Birds+Bees+Kids?  That event, plus 28 additional high caliber online parent ed talks from NextGenEd,  are now available on ParentWiser.org/watch-online! With a click, enjoy parent ed on a variety of current topics from the convenience of your home, anytime.  Audio downloads are included to listen on-the-go.  ParentWiser is thrilled to offer these FREE with your PTSA membership to any Issaquah district school.  Enjoy!

ParentWiser Logo.


ICYMI:  State Winners






Call for Levy Committee Community Members

Every four years, the Issaquah School District asks local voters to approve levies to pay for educational essentials that the state does not fund, including school buses, classroom technology, and about 20 percent of the operations budget. Because our current levies expire next year, the District is forming a community committee now to help plan the renewal levy measures. If you are interested in representing the community at large on the committee, please contact Lisa White (425-837-7024) for an application. Committee members will consider the overall need, proposed content, total cost, and tax impacts of the ballot measures and present a final recommendation to the Superintendent. The commitment is several Wednesday evening meetings in May and June. 




WSPTA Convention April 27-30, 2017 SeaTac Hilton

New Arts Learning Standards for Washington

This year Superintendent of Public Instruction Chris Reykdal formally adopted the new Arts Learning Standards for Washington at an event at Elk Plain School of Choice in the Bethel School District. “Education involves the whole child,” Superintendent Reykdal said. “The arts are a part of that.” The new standards are developed for dance, media arts, music, theatre, and visual arts.

For more resources about these standards and standards for other subjects, please visit the OSPI Learning and Teaching website.

For more information on arts standards, contact:
Anne Banks, 360-725-4966, Anne.Banks@k12.wa.us

To view the Arts Learning Standards:

To read the entire ALE email update (where this information came from):

Stronger Together


The current political climate has raised many questions and concerns within the immigrant community and we would like to provide an opportunity to reinforce some important topics that can help our children and community grow stronger. Join us for an inspirational event, including discussion tables with counselors, mental health specialists, support groups and more!

Luis Ortega is a TEDx Speaker, educator, and the director and founder of Storytellers for Change. Over the last eleven years, Luis has traveled across the nation to share his personal narrative and message about the power of storytelling and story-listening to generate empathy, promote inclusion, and inspire action.

For more info contact Margarita Leas margarita@isfdn.org | 757.618.0155


El clima político actual ha planteado muchas preguntas y preocupaciones dentro de la comunidad de inmigrantes y nos gustaría brindar una oportunidad para reforzar algunos temas importantes que pueden ayudar a nuestros niños y la comunidad en general a fortalecerse. Acompáñanmos a un evento inspiracional que además incluye mesas de discusión con consejeros, especialistas en salud mental, grupos de apoyo y mucho más.

Luis Ortega es orador de TEDx, educador, fundador y director de Storytellers for Change. Durante los últimos once años, Luis ha viajado por todo el país compartiendo su narrativa personal y su mensaje sobre el poder de contar y escuchar historias para generar empatía, promover la inclusión e inspirar la acción.

Mayor información con Margarita Leas margarita@isfdn.org | 757.618.0155

MARCH 31st
Issaquah Senior Center, 75 NE Creek Way, Issaquah WA 98027

2017-2018 Nominating Committee Report

Nominating Committee Report

Date:  March 9, 2017

The 2016-2017 Issaquah PTSA Council Nominating Committee hereby places the following names in nomination.

For the office of President: Becky Gordon and Leslie Kahler

For the office of VP High Schools: Ina Ghangurde

For the office of VP Middle Schools: Laila Collins

For the office of VP Elementary North: Care Maree Harper

For the office of VP Elementary Central: Kimberly Nocco

For the office of VP Elementary South: Korista Smith-Barney

For the office of Treasurer: Erin Eaton

For the office of Secretary: Erin Thacker

The Nominating Committee has confirmed that each nominee has been a member of a PTA for at least 30 days prior to the election and meets other requirements as stated in the WSPTA Uniform Bylaws.

Respectfully submitted:

Ina Ghangurde
Leslie Kahler
Heidi Fuhs
Valerie Yanni

Advocacy News for March 8th. SB 5023 & SB 5070

Two major events happened in the legislature on March 8th! 

  1. SB 5023 was brought to the floor of the Senate (this is the Senate version of the bill that would delay the levy cliff, and companion bill to HB 1059). The Senate voted and passed the bill! It will be sent to the House for consideration tomorrow
  2. The Senate passed a Para-educator Bill! This bill (SB 5070) will require standards for para-educators, professional development, a career ladder, a more accessible path to teacher certification, and training for teachers who supervise para-educators. This aligns with one of the Top 5 priorities on this year’s WSPTA legislative platform.