VIS – Voter Outreach Projects!

As you know, VIS is working on several voter outreach projects in order to get the word out to our community to please VOTE YES for the April 26, 2016 Bond.

As part of this, we schedule (2) Honk & Wave Dates (Thursday April 7 and Monday April 25, 6:30-8:30am and 5-7pm)

We ask for Volunteers to Wave Signs and Wave at people on their way to work/school, etc. to remind them to vote.

This year we are utilizing a SIGN UP GENIUS to help with scheduling, which has all of the locations specified.

Also, on the same SIGN UP GENIUS link, we are scheduling community volunteers to help with our LIT DROP project. Basically, if you feel like getting your exercise in for the day/week, you take a bundle of our VIS Lit Drop Postcards (6×11 postcards that give information why to please vote yes!) and put them on doorsteps as you walk. You don’t need to talk to the homeowners, just leave the information for them to find and read on their doorsteps. This is a way for us to reach people in the community that maybe do not have kids in school, or don’t use social media.

Would you please share this link with your school community, friends, and students needing community service hours to help us with this effort? It really is A LOT of fun!

Here is the link for the Sign Up Genius for Honk & Waves and the Lit Drop:

IEA Teacher Postcard Stamping Party:

Korista Smith-Barney, our PTSA Council Secretary, is working with Doug Jones (IEA President) to help put stamps on the 13,000 Postcards that our Issaquah teachers (from every school) have hand written messages in support of the bond to each of their students in their classrooms. Rather than do this alone, she is asking for us to help putting stamps on the postcards on Monday, March 14th, at the Issaquah Library. She has scheduled the Library Meeting room from 11am-5pm, so you can drop in ANYTIME during the day to help.

Thank you all again so much for your support and help getting the word out!  We are 48 days away fromApril 26th!